Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Blizzard in Oklahoma, On Christmas Eve?

Yes! It's 1:47 pm and I'm sitting at my computer watching the wind swirl snow around. My clock says it's 24.5 degrees outside, but with the windchill, it feels like it's 10. Indoor, it's a nice 67. The meteorologists on channel 5 say it's supposed to last another 6 hours or so. We're very excited at the prospect of a white Christmas!

I got to drive my Land Rover LR3 around in the ice & snow today for the first time--it was beautiful! Mr. Cottontail and I agreed that it's fun to drive in the snow. We've been in such a jolly (ha ha) mood today, which I find shocking after all of the pre-Christmas fighting that's been going on lately.

Here is our little elf at her Christmas program last week:

The woman two rows in front of me in the black coat with short black hair was driving me CRAZY and would lean forward and to her right every time the kids would start singing. Unfortunately, during one of my unposted videos, I said the a children's Christmas program. Oop! During another video (and perhaps the most important because our little elf loves to sing "Feliz Navidad") the gentleman in front of us let his ~10 year old boy stand and move around during the "performance." I dislike other parents. The shot is horrible because of the boy and the black-haired woman, so I'm not going to post it. At least it's available for us to watch when she gets older.

Now it's 24.7 degrees out and the wind is still constantly blowing snow around. Our neighbors have a funny snow-drift pattern in their backyard. Merry Christmas!

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