Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Blizzard in Oklahoma, On Christmas Eve?

Yes! It's 1:47 pm and I'm sitting at my computer watching the wind swirl snow around. My clock says it's 24.5 degrees outside, but with the windchill, it feels like it's 10. Indoor, it's a nice 67. The meteorologists on channel 5 say it's supposed to last another 6 hours or so. We're very excited at the prospect of a white Christmas!

I got to drive my Land Rover LR3 around in the ice & snow today for the first time--it was beautiful! Mr. Cottontail and I agreed that it's fun to drive in the snow. We've been in such a jolly (ha ha) mood today, which I find shocking after all of the pre-Christmas fighting that's been going on lately.

Here is our little elf at her Christmas program last week:

The woman two rows in front of me in the black coat with short black hair was driving me CRAZY and would lean forward and to her right every time the kids would start singing. Unfortunately, during one of my unposted videos, I said the a children's Christmas program. Oop! During another video (and perhaps the most important because our little elf loves to sing "Feliz Navidad") the gentleman in front of us let his ~10 year old boy stand and move around during the "performance." I dislike other parents. The shot is horrible because of the boy and the black-haired woman, so I'm not going to post it. At least it's available for us to watch when she gets older.

Now it's 24.7 degrees out and the wind is still constantly blowing snow around. Our neighbors have a funny snow-drift pattern in their backyard. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I've finally gotten to the point where I can blog again...I think. My camera is still broken and I'm still too lazy (er, busy) to fight over it.

The purpose of this post is to share my newest creation with you: my homemade paper coffee/tea cup sleeve. I've been reusing Starbucks' for a few weeks now and, one day, I was told that I could give a discount if I brought them back. How much? 10 cents.

I've tried to be "green" (I hate that word) and preserve the earth in my own way. I noticed some of the sellers on Etsy took the initiative and made their own versions. I jumped on the bandwagon and made one for a dear friend as part of her surprise Christmas present, accompanied by a Sbux gift card (she's almost as obsessed as I am) and cinnamon-mint gum (I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way). Good thing she doesn't read this blog.

[The lighting in the following pictures is horrendous! Please ignore the backgrounds, as well. Thanks.]

I haven't perfected the sleeve just yet (this is my first)...and this was my first time sewing on snaps, as well. Good thing my friend doesn't judge. :-)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Welllll....a lot has happened since the last post: we had a wonderful, short trip to Dallas, played with a bunch of really great friends, went swimming, have been riding with more frequency (yay!), purchased a "new" car, celebrated the 4th of July on the 5th with family, and played putt-putt. Unfortunately, all of our activities will be etched in our memory, not on paper or in digital format. My beloved DSLR is BROKEN! I'm not quite sure what the cause is--it won't automatically focus and my only lens isn't good enough to do anything manual. Unfortunately, I bought it and the extended warranty from the now bankrupt Circuit City a year and a half ago. I rarely admit to being a little lazy, but I confess that is my reason for not having it fixed 10 days ago. I just don't want to go through the rigamarole of getting it fixed/replaced! I'll do it Monday...
Now, off to swim lessons sign up and a reunion of sorts...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Say Hello to Our Little Friend

Innocently, I went to grab a mixing bowl from one of my favorite set of bowls and found this:

Yup...a fiddleback, aka BROWN RECLUSE! Usually, I am all about saving (my sister-in-law and I got into an argument one day before she became my sister-in-law because she was going to squash an innocent brown house spider with her shoe and even my eldest daughter is on alert and notifies me of a crawly in the house that needs saving), but this one had to die. The poor, unlucky thing was sent down the drain and met the "in-sink-erator." It is my opinion that brown recluses belong in the same category as scorpions and wasps--they have to go, sadly. I realize he was trying to live his life and didn't want to encounter me, but he was in my mixing bowl. I need to get the exterminator back in here.
Now it feels like spiders are crawing up my legs, so I'm going to publish this blog and get off this topic!

"New" Sparkly Kitchen

I am VERY pleased to show you pictures of my beautiful "new" kitchen!

This is a "before" picture. Here is a student of mine--she's baffled by the mess and darkness (we were cooking for an Easter bake sale).

This is Rico, a bird that found me and landed on my car at a friend's house. We no longer have him, since we found his owner (thank goodness), but you can see the beautiful green leaf print on our former countertop.

I've been searching my files for a before picture of our "breakfast" bar. I put breakfast in quotations because it wasn't big enough to do anything but catch clutter. Of course, I cannot find a picture, so just imagine.

The beginning: we saved 300 bucks by ripping out the awful counter (boy, that was a chore, but totally worth it!!!) and backsplash. I have a few war wounds from that stupid backsplash! Once it was out, it was kind of fun and very challenging to have missing countertops for an evening. We discussed with some friends how funny and convenient it would be to have clear counters with lids that lift (like at a bulk candy store). It's amazing what you can find "behind the scenes:" in the trianglular space behind our sink cabinet, I discovered an old Pepsi bottle, a lot of "house building" dust, a glove, and some other junk. I'm not long enough to reach it, nor did I want to prick my belly on the rough wall, so it's probably still there because I highly doubt the granite people removed it.

The granite was put in on May 28th and the electrician couldn't come until June 5th. One week felt like three...and, of course, the electrician couldn't come on the 5th. However, he did come on the 7th, a Sunday, which was very nice. I think God was teaching me patience because I couldn't put up the tile until the electrician made all the necessary little holes he needed (my friend, Natalie, was right--they make a TON of holes!). Finally, after a few hours of tiling and the electrician's return to mount the lights, my (our) kitchen is FINISHED:

I enjoyed laying the tile myself. I measured, cut, and set on my own for the first time ever. It was such a learning experience with a very rewarding outcome. Naturally, there are some things I would do differently, but now I feel like I can tile anything! And want to.

While in limbo and waiting on the electrician, I had to do something. So, I painted a wall with some chalkboard paint and framed it. Kaitlyn and I love it!

Here's what we did: we changed the countertops and backsplash from the hideous green leaf print laminate to a venetian gold granite and a natural tumbled marble set in a brick pattern. We also extended the breakfast bar a few inches, purchased two barstools, hung two pendant lights over the bar, and had under-cabinet lighting put in (all connected to a switch). Aside from the granite, the most expensive cost was the totalled hourly rate charged by the electrician. I sure wish I could do that myself! Doing the tile on our own saved us about $500. Our total kitchen re-do cost us less than $3k, thanks to some connections Eric (granite & electricity) and I have (tile).

Now we enjoy cooking again!

The next step is to paint the kitchen (nice and inexpensive!) and we'll be finished with it then. I've given up on fancy stainless steel appliances because ours work fine and I doubt we would get our money back on them by the time we're ready to sell (third time's the charm, we hope!) and they don't seem to stand out as much against a lighter palette; although, Eric and I both agree the kitchen would be stunning with them!

I love home improvement so much that I hope to tackle other jobs in the house. I'd like to put slate tile in our outside entry way, paint the front door blue (it needs to stand out and red would look weird; although, orange would be nice!), stain the concrete patio in the back a dirt color (to match dirty doggie footprints), paint the garage floor and add the little blue speckles, and adjust the girls' bath to look bigger (i.e., take out the giant sink & cabinets). Hopefully after all of this work, our house will look like it's worth the amount we've listed it for when it comes time to sell again [fingers crossed].

A little side bit:

Because I am SO PROUD of my little girls and SO THANKFUL for the wonderful blessings God has given us, I have to insert a picture of my little beloveds. Elise is 7.5 weeks old in this picture.

Preg No More. Hooray!

Well, as most of you know, Elise Abigail debuted on April 16 at 10:44 am. She was so content in her uterine environment that the doctor and I decided that I should be induced. Here's the happy, comfy 7-day old baby in her Moses basket.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend


No baby... Kait let me sleep in a bit. This is what I discovered after shuffling to her room and opening the door:

The "covered," naked Barbie doll is funny... It's nice to know that clothes aren't important to a 3-year old (just yet).


Still no baby...

On Saturday, we went to a free, massive egg "hunt" sponsored by a local church (Cathedral of the Hills) at UCO's Wantland Stadium. The UCO football and Edmond Memorial football players helped church members spread out more than 100,000 plastic Easter eggs on the football field. I think Kaitlyn enjoyed going, although the eggs and candy were not the highlight of her afternoon; she enjoyed playing with Piper, Reagan, Kennedy, and Kendall most...and rolling down the hill. I must say that we were a little disappointed in her candy selection--every last one of Kait's eggs had one Tootsie Roll. After Piper, Kennedy, and Kendall returned with their eggs and opened them, they discovered lollipops, SweetTarts, name it. We supposed that someone determined 3-year olds should only eat Tootsie Rolls.

Eric has decided we shouldn't go next year because there was a lot of waiting around while they spread out the eggs in between each age group, but I think I'll encourage it--there's hardly anything better than free candy and playing with friends, not to mention a little jump on an inflatable! As expected, we witnessed several "greedy" parental units whom always surface at events of this sort: one woman (with two young boys), had two Easter baskets full of eggs (yes, that's normal), and TWO plastic bags FULL of eggs (no, should not be normal)!! At one point, the MC half-jokingly said, "This just in: no Hoovers allowed." Annoying. People like that ruin it for everyone else in the end.

Kait's not too sure

Now she's a happy girl!

EASTER SUNDAY: The Easter Bunny (accidentally) went overboard

Again, no baby (now 1 day past due date)...and counting...

The lovely basket on the left was lovingly filled by my wonderful, generous Oma. The Easter Bunny had some difficulty with the basket on the right, as she overestimated the filled eggs to wrapped candy, toys, and fancy shoes ratio. After receiving TWO plastic dress-up mini Disney Princess gift sets (I don't know what they're called), in addition to the two hundred she already has, Eric and I had to sift through Kait's already expansive assortment of purses to find one that would suit her recently expanded collection of princesses (her current princess purse was inadequate and too small). Kait had been begging us to buy her the Build-A-Bear Tinkerbell outfit for one of her Build-A-Bears, so Eric and I...oops, I mean the Easter Bunny, decided to make Tinkerbell a bunny for the 2009 bunny (as is tradition).

I couldn't believe how many people were sardined into the church! Even for Christmas mass, I've never seen so many people attend (although, I've only gone to midnight mass at our church). The ushers had to add foldout chairs in the back. Father didn't read the Gospel, nor the homily, which was very unfortunate because I enjoy his homilies and like Father in general. I wonder if he's feeling bad again. If so, baby girl needs to make her debut so he can baptize her!

After church, we ate a pleasant lunch buffet at Stables Cafe. I must confess that in the past, I've disliked the food there, but I really enjoyed lunch (perhaps it was mostly the company). Some Cotton family friends joined us and we had such a wonderful time--I believe we "ate" for two hours, at least! When we got home, we were EXHAUSTED, especially after a night like last night (our idiotic dogs decided we didn't need to sleep and woke us up practically every 2 hours, or so).

On the way home from lunch, had to call one of the storm shelter guys (on Easter, nonetheless) because we discovered this morning that precipitation causes it to flood. They still don't have it figured out and are making me call them AGAIN tomorrow (how annoying; as if I don't have anything better to do!). Eric gave up fried food for lent, so he ate Carl's Jr. for dinner while Kait and I filled up on moderately warm Burger King (the absence of people should've been a sign to stay away!). At least someone was happy: Kait was thrilled to receive a Sponge Bob surprise in her kids' meal.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll go into labor... (yeah, right!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tutu Project

Our first family pictures since Kait was born (oops!) are scheduled for next week at 3 Girls Photography. I am very excited, but I'd like to do something a little creative--something that reflects our personalities. I couldn't find cute little "big sis, little sis" tees that fit my standards, so I decided to make some tutus since Kait is obsessed with them right now.

I made a tutu using ambrosialove's tutorial last Halloween, but wasn't fully satisfied with the result. Upon recent research, or Googling, I discovered Plumtickled's tutorial and decided to combine the two and made two, one for each of my babies:

1 week to go...I hope

I actually have a few things to add today! Today was my first "real" Saturday off, or what feels "real," for quite a while. I decided to take the entire month of April off from teaching riding lessons in preparation for our newest arrival.

Eric, Kait, and I had a wonderful morning at the zoo (even the 40 mph winds didn't bother us too much) after what seems to now be our Saturday morning ritual: Krispy Kreme. Here is a picture Kait insisted I take of her on a bronze Galapagos Tortoise:

When we returned home, we decided to take a look at our storm shelter--still no water, but again, it hasn't rained, and while Kait napped, I went Easter shopping (I'm not sure I'll get to this week--at least, I HOPE I don't get to this week!!). Eric watched "Hancock," which he enjoyed.

You may call it nesting, but I thought I would take the opportunity to vacuum lots of little black dog hairs out of my couch and dust underneath it. Afterwards, Eric installed the infant car seat bases into both cars (thanks again, Oma!).

Kait decided we should have "brinner" for dinner. Here's what she ate (not much!):

And here's what Eric and I ate:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My beginning

I'm completely new to blogging, so you'll have to bear with me. My reasons for signing up are to share new projects and crafty information, family updates, and other bits of random information with friends and family. In theory, blogs are much easier than mass emails and networking sites, especially for those without accounts (i.e., my parents!). We are expecting our second daughter soon, and since I should be staying at home more, I hope to add more information as we go along.