Saturday, June 13, 2009

Say Hello to Our Little Friend

Innocently, I went to grab a mixing bowl from one of my favorite set of bowls and found this:

Yup...a fiddleback, aka BROWN RECLUSE! Usually, I am all about saving (my sister-in-law and I got into an argument one day before she became my sister-in-law because she was going to squash an innocent brown house spider with her shoe and even my eldest daughter is on alert and notifies me of a crawly in the house that needs saving), but this one had to die. The poor, unlucky thing was sent down the drain and met the "in-sink-erator." It is my opinion that brown recluses belong in the same category as scorpions and wasps--they have to go, sadly. I realize he was trying to live his life and didn't want to encounter me, but he was in my mixing bowl. I need to get the exterminator back in here.
Now it feels like spiders are crawing up my legs, so I'm going to publish this blog and get off this topic!

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